FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
1615. The same goes for grammar, unless you're the grammar police. 16. Forget sixteen. 17. Tie up the story at the end and make it a clean cut. Don't leave the next folder hanging
10"Hello, this is Sean Hannity. I'm not here right now. In case of accidental voodoo, please leave a message." I didn't know where to begin. "There was this poisoned pin, and this
10I do not like them, Herman Cain." "Would you like them freshly slain, shedded bare, or with chow mein?" "I would not like snakes in a train. I would not like them freshly slain,
11but Jarrod's timestick stopped functioning. He took the timestick's cap off. He twisted the knob at the bottom and more timestick appeared. He rubbed it in his arm pit.
10a dead host only until equilibrium was reached. It was important to keep the site alive with many entertaining stories even as the tape worms minced grammar & the intestinal folds