FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Wendy sprayed Tinkerbell with a hot stream of Raid. Tinkerbell spiraled down onto the floor. Gasping, wheezing. Wendy lifted the corner of the table then Tinkerbell, smiled
10. This was a thriving metropolis until the Hippo Stampede of '01. You could still see bite marks in an abandoned Pontiac Aztec, where the rebellion had begun. A hippo was gipped on
11day dreamed about leaving this thankess position and soaring over the mountain. He imagined saying goodbye to the door so long to the coat rack. He woke to the sound of the bell.
16Start stocking up on rogaine®, Viagra® & pepto for the retirement years. 23. Count number of hairs left in my "barcode". 24. Have my will drawn up so that no good cheating tramp
10wanted to get in on Gay Halloween to meet hot chicks. Dalai Guru had to be inventive to find women ever since the unspiritual unthinkable happened.