FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12Street Sweeper 90210, Street Sweeper Down Under, Street Sweeper Week, Return of the Street Sweeper, A Street Sweeper Strikes Back
10!Put some clothes on! I can't concentrate with you standing there like that." A red hot steel ball imbedded right over my left eye. Blood was everywhere! Staggering, I folded anoth
12"It matters not," muttered Dr. Kinsey. "Regardless of their orientation, bananas remain nature's ultimate phallic symbol, violating all of its eaters and
11She jabbed at the tripe and scoured at it. He merely sighed in ecstasy. She stared at the pig knuckles in paralyzed terror. He merely gazed at her perfect face.
11The Z-liner skimmed over the waves making a B-line for Havanna. After 20 min Mr.Cruke noticed they were deviating from the chartered course. With the suitcase cuffed to his wrist