FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Lou Bergs had traveled all the way through time to mow my lawn. He swore that my single mom's grilled chicken breast was worth the trouble, though I suspected darker motives. Penet
12matriculating up the aevinista. Fagan was genuinely beangrafting now, his eyes winkly with fear. The mob shouted "Woolreacher! The cherlust must be brought to chustice!" Fagan spun
11"You're wrong," said Eeyore gloomily. "We can't all & some of us don't. That's all there is to it. I don't do mellow." He then wandered to his thistle patch to stand in the rain.
11throw a pork chop at it. But the fern ate the chop and then chased after my pet piebald rat, Razvan. I searched paradise high and low for my little ratty friend but my cries echoe
21Dick Peterson? If he didn't deliver the money he would be a dead man. He started walking, and then running, down the road. About a mile down the road, a truck pulled up