FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10leap into his Josh-isms, like "Love is just propinquity with sex thrown in. Let's throw in the sex." I'll haul my iPad and chips to the lady's room, to safety!, and fold in peace.
13Yeah, sure, whatever. Squawkers the parakeet came home with us & all was fine. Then we started hearing him in the next room singing...was, it couldn't be...Beatles songs?
10looked very uncomfortable as he stood jingling the change in his pocket but repeated, "I'm sorry the coupon was for last month's special. Now I could be persuaded...," he coyingly
12into my pillow and let the soothing voice lull me to sleep. My dreams that night, of course,were of ISIS receiving H bombs from Kim Jung Un. Never eat a Halloween sack full of
107. Magical appliances for my day job as Hogwart's golf course assistant keeper: a varmint divining rod & shrinking bracelet for scouting mole tunnels & laying magic traps. 8.