FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11"Did we..." "Yes," she said. "How was I?" he asked. She handed him her pleasure map. "You missed all the X's, but it was good for me, 'Long John'." His ex was into pirate role play
11Godzilla woke up first, rolled Lobsterman over in bed and suggested, in a sleepy yet tender voice, that they approach Tokyo from the east this time. All the weapons would be
10an open mind pays off [Green Eggs and Ham], laughter and happiness triumphs over evil [Something Wicked This Way Comes] and it's better to burn out than it is to rust [Neil Young].
10boomed. For added suspense the guards elongated the chase by running into the woods below full potential speed. In her high heels and dress, Tharg's wife didn't get far. The guards
11"Well, it seems I have 42..." (sound of a grunt & a moan) "no, make that 43 forks stuck in my ass. Please send an ambulance out immediately! I'm --" The 911 call ended there.