FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14. "I feel we be finding treasure by this purple circle." My second quipped "Isn't that's a ring mark from your wine goblet, sir?" "DO NOT QUESTION ME!" I yelled rolling it up.
13Do you think quiche & pastries can be made unleavened with rye? Oh, baby, can't do this to me, baby! Just gave me a bad case of gout, and it hurts right about here! Nothing really
12I had never seen someone squeeze toothpaste from a bottle so effortlessly, but the Hero did it, saving Dona's mourning routine three seconds. There WAS still good in this world.
10funny holding it in their hands. "Hold it too long, and they will say we're playing with it," Number One joked, and like usual Number Two dropped the ball. The magic orb bounced
10"Are we necromancers, Magic Orb?" repeated the first as he snatched the orb from the second's hands. "Look, I'm dead tired. Ask again tomorrow," was the orb's reply. The two looked