FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10the same rave, who were as much into each other as they were into Spencer. With Paradise within reach, Spencer had to decide whether to sacrifice it for the sake of his lofty motto
11But he rode that bus to work and back. He ignored the stops and just kept riding, no matter how many others boarded. One day that bus ran out of fuel, so he found himself a new bus
11"We mustn't tell anyone, this would cause a world wide panic!" Those were the last words I heard before I accidentally hit "Send to everyone."
10- you guessed it - more bacon! Guaranteed to improve any situation. Pile it high, slather that with some maple syrup, and gulp down several mugs of Porky's Piggy Pilsner.
10oom. The deafening roar sent us into shivers until Doc shared a round of tranquilizers. We spent the rest of the night, on the floor, listening to Air Supply