FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12She'll surely take me back this time. After making a few adjustments to my appearance, I walked to her room and knocked. But when she opened the door, there was another man with
14after some tiresome false modesty and further self-mythologization, eventually admits to trying to keep the story going, but not as well as StoryFascist or this next folder, who
12you've waited too long, run for cover!! 7th, get Japan and fry some shallots. Wait two hours and congratulations! You've got a smelly kitchen and some honest work for dish washers.
10er 180 characters. Neither nudity, the blood dripping from my eye, nor common sense would stop me, and I finished my fold in less than 4 minutes. Then I pushed my life alert button
10never felt before. They were just so, innocent. He shook his head and turned away. The darkness enveloped the world.