FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11I keep falling asleep at the worst possible moments.
10I still felt like I had found no joy. That was until she walked up. "Hi my name is Joy> I think we're in the same class," she extended her hand. I started so hard I jumped.
10-derneath that odd statement was some sort of trueism. You pondered every word of it for months until you went completely mad. And then you understood. Oh yes, you understood.
11select Michelin starred restaurants in disputed border territiories of Europe like Catalonia or the Balkans. When I regurgitated my Oeufs a la Bonne Femme onto her lap, Dame Whitty
12They activated the squirrel mind control tail antennas. The rodents' necks perked up, and they initiated acorn launcher formations. Passers-by were pelted with nuts spat at 100 km/