FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14"They give me one star, I give them the Death Star." Darth, helmetless and harrowed, marched to the front of the ship. passing his new trampoline & pinball machine in the hallway.
13mental state. It was an entirely wrathless state he achieved with 10 years of total indifference at work and in the bedroom. But this fold, THIS FOLD. Peter's dormant neurons awoke
10Like the "A taste as big as your backside" fiasco. But right now he had to keep his job and come up with a slogan for navy beans. Aren't they really gassy? Who'd want that anyway?
11the sudden? I felt dizzy. I could hear the groceries laughing at me as I staggered down Aisle 8. I bumped into a tampon display, knocking them loose from their boxes.
10, which they saw from the neon sign outside was named “Afterlife Market.” They entered & got pissed. It was the only store in the afterlife, & prices were outrageous. Death sucked.