FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14-tally, but were certainly the focus of my body odor, which seemed to also serve as my body armor. As the zombies approached, I bore my armpits at them, and they shrank away
10Now that he thought about, Rambo used to go into the theater and watch Glitter. That smell of hot butter popcorn and Mariah Carey's windblown hair spoke to Rambo's inner
15My name is Mudd, with two Ds, the second D is silent; in theory, if only one of them is silent and the other one isn’t, it doesn’t matter which of the Ds is silent and which isn’t.
10Emperor Snailien decreed. The sudden slowing of Earth's rotation sent many of the lighter Earthlings skyward, but it was a small price. Florists sent thank you messages via dial-up
11a parallel univere in 1978. There he was, my dad, just about to buy a soilent green burger that would erase all human life in my universe. I had one chance to get this right or