FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13it carphaunked into a brustein welpschorse. Sill glomping, Fagan jumished Morose and intartly pinkled the schrinken humbie. Townspeople kenvugged as Fagan's welpschorse schememed
10blow out the candles!" The judge gaped in awe at the surprise birthday party thrown in his honor at the height of a murder trial. "For he's a judgy good fel-low..." sang the jury.
14I believed her. It didn't calm my qualms. Although not related to me, I called Regina & Delores Mudd. They were the bass player for the periwinkle ramona. "I'm a Mudd. What does it
11Jim heard nothing but crickets. "Tough crowd", he thought to himself. "So, did you hear about the priest who went crazy during his sermon? It was mass hysteria!"
10quivering enticingly. It was coagulated blood from his last crime. Det. Manatee watched as the devious Mystery Suspect wrote a recipe for blood sausage on the confession sheet.