FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13and the next morning he found $50. and a note that said "Thanks for the shovel. It's just what I needed. Love, the Tooth Fairy." Plus, one of his few teeth had been yanked out.
10Xklk, the Romulan cheif editor of "Romulan Bites" gourmet magazine. So the Romulans decided to evaporate every Starbucks on Earth and in the heavens and insist on Romulan coffee.
10sent turd-sniffing police dogs into my back seat to make sure that it really was a turd. One of them ate it by mistake, thus destroying the evidence. At least my cab was clean.
11the victim would have "stink palm" for life. This is in reference to "Chasing Amy" where your palm smells like hot swampy ass. But, one Moe Lopslap was able to use "stink palm" to
11"I was 25 years old when I died for the first time" - he thought, looking through the glass. "And yet, I remember every detail - as it was yesterday". The red wine really got him