FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Xklk, the Romulan cheif editor of "Romulan Bites" gourmet magazine. So the Romulans decided to evaporate every Starbucks on Earth and in the heavens and insist on Romulan coffee.
10desperately searching for a bar with live music. The warm tones of the ukulele still echoed in my head, but all I could find was a sleazy bar with a death metal band. It would have
11confused, talking voles? Mute clairvoyants? Silent tears? Then I understood:This world with its golden spotlight & starstreaked midnight curtain is a stage, and we are the players.
13started moving like a biological radar. Like she was scanning me. Then, the Ant Queen started to speak. "Human, do you come here in peace?" Or - like your ancestors did many years
12give you my vote". He thought for a bit - and then started writing. When hitting "fold & pass" he heard a strange noise. It was the sound of the alarm clock. Damn, it was a dream.