FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10tightly. What a lousy birthday this turned out to be.
11stop at 10. But I've got a few years to plan. Maybe wife #11 will be a really cool robot. But wife #12 should be from the temple again to keep them happy. To fulfill the prophecy
12In retrospect, telling a child to look after something so private probably was a mistake. It would be like asking a fox to look after a chicken coop. Almost immediately I decided
11took a quick swig of whiskey and set to work. First off she needed to summon her carrier pigeons. "COO COO COO" she belted. And in the distance you could hear them
12give you my vote". He thought for a bit - and then started writing. When hitting "fold & pass" he heard a strange noise. It was the sound of the alarm clock. Damn, it was a dream.