FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10-derneath that odd statement was some sort of trueism. You pondered every word of it for months until you went completely mad. And then you understood. Oh yes, you understood.
11with a bowl and no oranges to be found. He discarded his monk's robes and sat in despairing contemplation in the rocking chair on the north porch. But when the owners came out
10D. Master Control Program E. Revert to cuddle-me-Elmo cloak mode. "Whaa?" After initial shock discovering my Elmo doll was a means of surveillance & control I reprogrammed Elmo to
10at that very moment, a banana fish zipped past & plucked it from my 7th tentacle. It was a perfect day for banana fish, but I was angry! "I may be a lowly cephalopod, but you can't
10At least that was the plan. But when I entered the lady's room something was wrong. I didn't enter a bathroom, I had crossed some time door which sent me all the way back to