FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10The little cubs all drowned. And that, Goldilocks, is why you must stay home, even when I go out and Uncle Bert stays with you. And you must do whatever he says. Goldi shook her
18that turning it up to 11 really does make all the difference. 10 just doesn't cut it anymore. When I visited Stonehenge
11Humpback the Clown decide that maybe it was time to reevaluate some of the voices he had made.
10having to burn some spoiled fish carcasses from the storage barrels. The story didn't really fit the smell but most people will believe what they want to believe. Choosing to look
10he was furious at the depths of their gall. "YOU DARE USE ARCANA FROM THE WINTER CATALOG?!" The cosmic hell-beast was right: it was mid-June. Bamboozled again by the ATDO, they