FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11He got the starring role as "'unchback 'iggins" and was elated. He began practicing leaving the "h" off the start of every word & it became a habit. This proved to be disastrous
13"Do you like the rhinos?" Jenny asked me. I offered her a Twizzler stick to chaw on, but she shook her head from side to side which meant she didn't care for some. "Stupid is as
12, the heuristic hobos had pillows, Tempur-Pedic air mattresses, and grocery carts without rusty wheels. With the federally aided comforts, the hobos could complete their journey to
10My Mother loves me, yes she does/With Evil, Despair, and Hate, because/She was there with me before I was/A little tiny speck of Fuzz/
10with the mojo. Plus, my back was killing me. Most of the squidmen in my family either had back problems or high ink counts. I had both. But I could still party days on end. I wante