FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Well. . .not miserable enough to make Trump stop communicating to the world via Twitter. He probably sits on the John all night long, passing horrid gas, and twittering about his
14soup all over Dame Whitty. She remained calm. "I hear,: she said wiping soup off her face, "that soup bathes are good for the skin." I couldn't bare her politeness. "Waiter how cou
10a jackass, like me. Ho hum," Eeyore added. Pooh plopped down, feeling awkward. That's when Tigger bopped over and told Eeyore to snap out of it. "You should try bouncing, huhuh!"
11but got nothing. "When did Swedish start being written in hieroglyphs?" I thought to myself as I started looking for a number to call. Was the bed a STRÅLANDE or a ÅFJÄRDEN? Only
12Spiderwoman surreptitiously slid several sticky silky strands into the aioli dip while Hobgoblin was staring into his glass of tea. " Rooibos?" She asked. "Huh?"