FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13I pulled up some dandelions. She'll like these, she likes flowers. Maybe if turned my shirt inside out it won't smell so bad. I was ready to make amends.
13shattered beneath the roast. The butcher and his wife knew that Jorge would sometimes drive problematic demons into bad meat as a kindness, but this had been a prime cut and now it
13He's a real folding man sitting in his folding land making all his random folds for nobody.Doesn't have a point of view.Knows not where he's going to. Isn't he a bit like you & me?
10serving some green bananas to Chaz, thinking that this would be seen as a kind gesture of diplomacy. Instead, Chaz brought upon Kiefer such a penalty that only a seasoned veteran
10fuguif! Mjsjshfuguif! Mjsjshfuguif! Mjsjshfu! Mjsjshfu! Mjshmsjmsjmssh!" black smoke began to curl out of her ears & Doris collapsed on the bed. Winston checked her pulse."Uh oh.