FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11in solitary focused samadhi. Lima Beans are the zen monks of legumes, the keepers of pulse wisdom. A wisdom almost lost in the great Bean-o-clism. It all started with Kidney beans
20A few things weren't going a few people's way so they collectively said 'what the hay' and elected the flawed man. Protests erupted on day 1 when the flawed man cut off all funding
11busy fighting in the war anyway. Lobsterman grunted and Godzilla cuddled closer to him. He loved the way he smelled, the look in his beady eyes and his springy handsome antennae.
10"Well, that's why they're called WERE wolves, because they were wolves. Now they are just a bunch of fur-wearing pansies." And with that, Jimmy took his angora coat and walked away
11Every time Mattie cooked the pancakes, Gill would pretend to eat them then secretly take them back to his workshop, where he was hoarding stacks of them in preparation for the