FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11"Son of a bitch!" stammered Larry. There was a stomach-turning moment as Moe and Curly stood there, stunned. The universe felt like it had imploded. "You knuckle-head..." said Moe.
11what I tasted like. Now I could find out without having to chop off and cook one of my appendages. I longingly gazed at my clone with my mouth watering. NO! My clone was for
10By the time the firemen arrived, there was nothing left of the cafe and everyone had fled the scene. Everyone except for one man, who just stood there staring angrily at the ruins.
10wanted to get in on Gay Halloween to meet hot chicks. Dalai Guru had to be inventive to find women ever since the unspiritual unthinkable happened.
12dally in her back alley like some silly sally snorting tiffy and taffy like cray cray was catching. The nuns were ON THE JOB now. This was their case now. Finding Tally Olde was