FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Adding insult to injury, he was no paragon of grammatical precision by himself neither. His folds dangled paranthetical phrases and split infinitives, but him resolved to reform wh
10This was her favorite pop song! Ellie jumped up and down screaming. She was seeing Mad Men Wear Shoes live. The concert was a wicked sick bash of half drugged teens.
10The shotgun's bullet headed straight for me, but my moth body was so light that it's force blew me out of its way. The man with the shotgun swore as I spun off into the night.
10Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, naked, on the bed, on their stomachs, eating popcorn and watching reruns of The Jeffersons on a 65 inch flat screen.
11walked right up to him, ripping an arm off one of the bodies in my cart as an intimidation weapon. "Just what do you think you're doing here?" I growled. Unfazed, he