FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10This subtle scientific principle was proven beyond a doubt when my wife walked out of the room carrying the remote with her, and my cat suddenly became a black hole.
11the sudden? I felt dizzy. I could hear the groceries laughing at me as I staggered down Aisle 8. I bumped into a tampon display, knocking them loose from their boxes.
10The packet of Whoppers malted milk balls I just stole from the Halloween dish. Watch me be short by one candy tonight. 10) Pink Flamingos 11) A pot to piss in 12)
11, well, frankly-speaking, a hot dog. Before he came along, I was nothing but a German cabbage fermenting in a vat of lactic acid bacteria. No one really liked me, but Frank made me
15if he forgot his pop-gun. He claimed to not know what I was talking about, but that the bag of Cheetos was his. "Hand it over and nobody gets hurt." "Easy there, Pilgrim."