FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12e to work it's slow grumbly magic in his multichambered gut. As Det. Manatee ruminated, the hunch passed from fore to hindgut becoming a suspicion, and then a hardened stoolpigeon!
10At least that was the plan. But when I entered the lady's room something was wrong. I didn't enter a bathroom, I had crossed some time door which sent me all the way back to
14GOL-DEN SHOWERS!!!, four calling cards, three freedom fries, two English muffins, and a broken down VW microbus in my parking lot. The carolers all looked expectantly at the closed
10"Harry! That's no way to talk about our Muffy. It's not her fault she was made from a box. Not every muffin can be made from scratch!" Blueberry Harry looked down at Muffy's stump.
10One day Sam received a postcard from Florida. It showed a small Hotel with a pink flamingo & palm lined beach, on the back "Wish you were here" but no signature or address.