FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11wondered about how much wonder bread his Fat Uncle Andy mopped up instant gravy with. Frankie was food tripping because the ants were taking his picnic.
14. "I feel we be finding treasure by this purple circle." My second quipped "Isn't that's a ring mark from your wine goblet, sir?" "DO NOT QUESTION ME!" I yelled rolling it up.
10The fact I lived to tell you about it in this folding story is a miracle. It tasted dreadful and I quickly excused myself to throw up. My buddy Gus checked on me and called Dr. X.
14Doreene sings "Somewhere over the Swamp Haze". Then Poeleece impound her Huntin Dawg an a Hairycane picks up her shack & drops it in Awz. "We ain't in (Ar)kansas no more Rufus!
10clown-like appearance fooled you, Ouchy! I fooled ALL of you!" Bonzo jumped on his tricycle & peddled as fast as he could toward the border. "Just try & catch me!" Ouchy radioed in