FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Several apartment neighbor's doors burst open to see their half-naked bodies sopping wet in the hallway. He yelled "You're just a tease! And to think, I bought you the lobster!"
12a warlock from the old country, possessed of the notion that, even if he answered incorrectly, his consolation prize would consist of preservation in amber for millions of years.
17the Mulled Wine decline: almonds and raisin prices were sky-high all over, but especially at the Western Oceans Beach Front, but the Land Sharks didn’t care: they hated glogg.
10What's your mighty, what's the party, go to go to Matty Lottie but you gatti gatti patty patty patty patty patty
10to find a princess whose cheesy kiss could restore me. My fold was sent to the ICU where its bloatedness from too many puns and irritable vowel syndrome was treated. The bill