FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11stop at 10. But I've got a few years to plan. Maybe wife #11 will be a really cool robot. But wife #12 should be from the temple again to keep them happy. To fulfill the prophecy
11a Komodo dragon made an appearance on the beach. Not a week later, a group of Dugong youth on their way to school went missing from that very same spot. JMan called on the wise Det
11behind a haystack to relieve myself and rued the day that I had taught the cows how to use the bathroom. Sure, there was less cleanup in the field, but the toilet fixture couldn't
12ography, who declared, "With all those mewling mammelings, by government order I must monitor your mammaries." I lifed my shirt as the Minister of Mammography counted my nipples.
10The fact I lived to tell you about it in this folding story is a miracle. It tasted dreadful and I quickly excused myself to throw up. My buddy Gus checked on me and called Dr. X.