FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Leonardo DiCaprio himself. I can even touch my tongue to my nose. But no way can I write a college essay. That's why I came to FoldingStory for help. Would you please help me?
15my 12 year old moped. After all, I just had the headlight adjusted. What is this world coming to? I can't even have
10. A young Tibitian looked at the silver tea pot and saw his reflection distorted. The kettle whistled and he hastily prepared oolong for the Dalai Lama. Elsewhere, a man dreamed.
11shoulders, followed by a cacophonous din as the cans rolled across the floor banging into the shelves across the aisle. I mumbled and apology then pushed my cart past his
19gigantic doggy nose hairs. I'd never seen anything like it. I could get lost in those nostrils. A giant voice boomed, "Fiiiiido, c'mere here!" Buckets of dog drool splattered