FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10ed CLUNK straight into a lampost. He hit his head so hard, he went into a coma for 17 years. When he woke, he had no memory...only a faded photograph of the girl he once loved.
11Stepping into his apartment, Steve noticed for the first time that there was a grey squirrel sitting on his sofa, right where he swore the night before he had left his prized
10. This was a thriving metropolis until the Hippo Stampede of '01. You could still see bite marks in an abandoned Pontiac Aztec, where the rebellion had begun. A hippo was gipped on
11said "Oi, what do you think you are doing?" He choked on his taco. "I'm providing a bed to the homeless officer, is there a problem?" Yeah, you forgot a pillow"
11sweet nothings to him, reminding him of those warm, balmy evenings in Vietnam where he would operate on small animals. He was unusual in that he was an actual vet, not military.