FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10so much more dramatic their first sip of espresso. His beret landed on the table of man in a business suit. Business suit flicked the beret onto the floor: a bold poem gone limp.
10-swung his axe and took Officer McMahan's left leg off. The Wyrd slapped his hands together and the leg spawned more legs. They slithered toward Ned. Everytime he swung the axe
11Thinking that, if Popeye gained temporary super-strength from eating spinach, I might gain a superpower from ingesting a common vegetable, I began to eat nothing but lima beans for
10Soon” card. Judd felt his destiny was meaningful writing, like restaurant menus or supermarket flyers. The Hallmark gig had allowed him to save a bit, so with $10.78 in his wallet
10Potato. Heaps and heaps of potato in its many varieties. Pulverized! Fricassee! Fried! Smashed! Sliced. Potato. She set to work, and her guests barely noticed the chicken flavor.