FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11was his chance. He hooked up to the 3-D printer and cycled through the menu. He chose to print himself out of Play Doh with the 0.8mm extruder, high quality/ low speed, high resolu
11a 1600 mile long dark ride, the kind with boats in a flume. The theme would be horror fiction and the darker aspects of history. You could park your boat and camp in the scenes.
10ssed designs adorned his binders full of women. "We shall over-comb!" "Keep your stubby little hands and your hair to yourself." The teacher was not impressed.
10-ached the ground. I sent a beacon out to the blancmange planet to send more flan to earth, but they wired back that they had become a celestial frogurt stand. It finally dawned on
11The cat's disappearance was an improvement, in some respects, tho t'was odd sharing quarters with a black hole; I missed the remote immediately, and my wife not long after that.