FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12"Pooh, what happened to the loveable Bear of very little brain?" I asked. "I got dumped by the punk kid and decided to grow up myself. Say, You got smack? My honeypots all out."
10I ran up and down the middle of the street, throwing high passes to myself, sometimes catching them, silently chanting "My marriage is not on the rocks." I didn't see the BMW until
10of that whole Middle Earth fiasco. Plus there was the height disparity. At first the human-elf rivalry at the North Pole was the typical juvenile hijinks, but when Papa Elf took a
12on the escalator. Catching her heel, she tumbled down infinitely. Legend has it, if you go to the mall, you can still see her this very day.
11ays ready to push it up the hill again, because each time the boulder rolled down, small chunks chipped off it and the task became easier. At the bottom Sisyphus greeted Prometheus