FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11It would have been a day like any other day had it not been for the bin lorry crash. Six died in the carnage including a mother and father and their young daughter. Jim thought
10was wearing a really big bonnet and didn't notice I had substituted a robotic facsimile of yours truly with the knob set to 'canoodle'. My robot twin was complimenting her bashful
10This was her favorite pop song! Ellie jumped up and down screaming. She was seeing Mad Men Wear Shoes live. The concert was a wicked sick bash of half drugged teens.
11"And then the little old lady - that's me - gets off, and seconds later the bus explodes." Ronna waited. Dick burst out laughing. "You're kidding, right?" "It's my first part in a
13his future as a superstar Folder seemed to dwindle with every passing second. "You can still finish this, just concentrate!" a faint voice in his epilepsy-wracked brain told him.