FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10the wrong spot. His hand caught fire, he screamed for help. Barton became a labradoodle so the firemen said, "You need to leave." The rifle became a monarch butterfly, wherefore
12matriculating up the aevinista. Fagan was genuinely beangrafting now, his eyes winkly with fear. The mob shouted "Woolreacher! The cherlust must be brought to chustice!" Fagan spun
10caramel. So I scrapped that idea or rather, ate the flan. Then I tried to teleport a flan to India. Only so many hungry mouths were there that the particles were eaten before it re
10that being button holed by Jen & pressed firmly against her breast every day was the life he'd always dreamed of, but one day when Jen had eaten a big meal he popped off her blouse
12How to Erotically Caress a Nose. 1) Breathe. Breathing's important. 2) To avoid startling the subject, approach from sideways on. 3) Position the nose at a 50 degree angle. 4) Shak