FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10The negotiations between Easy Button and the CEO of Staples continued: "My client demands to be marketed as a superhero," said Easy's agent. "His superpower? Summoning toner."
10blow out the candles!" The judge gaped in awe at the surprise birthday party thrown in his honor at the height of a murder trial. "For he's a judgy good fel-low..." sang the jury.
10tape ripped off my skull and half my brain fell out and bounced onto the bus seat next to me then into a little old lady's basket on the front of her walker as she was exiting the
10heard of electricity, but never actually tasted it. But after a few seconds, the disappointing truth occurred to her: electricity tastes just like chicken. Her dinner plans were
11The air of desperation was palpable. Within seconds I was surrounded by the undead denizens of the morgue and within minutes my datebook was filled with engagements until next May.