FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10you or somebody else. Somebody that can pull their souls out through their feet? Somebody that can defeat their visions? If you are I can't believe I just called you pencil dick!
15Things I did today instead of doing things on my List of Things To Do Today: 1) Folded stories. 2) Took an extra long lunch. 3) Deleted 492 old emails. 4) Stared at the wall.
11A good-hearted woodcutter was about to chop down a mighty tree when the tree spoke. "In return for my life, I will grant you three wishes," she cried. The woodcutter decided not to
10She made me out of fear and sin/with shadow without and fire within/Mom filled me with dark euphoria/And set me deep in Moria/
14cat with autocratic beliefs. He is known as Chairman Meow. After enslaving the dogs, he purred to himself," all cats will unite as a single body."