FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10This was her favorite pop song! Ellie jumped up and down screaming. She was seeing Mad Men Wear Shoes live. The concert was a wicked sick bash of half drugged teens.
10"I don't normally give rides to strangers" Zelda rasped, "but I'll make an exception in your case, being pantless n all." "To El Paso and step on it," he shouted, "I need anti-cact
10basket for your trash and excrement. This cultural arts performance, although long, is life changing. It centers around a young rug who is tired of being stepped on.
11...then the door locks and in four hours your oven is clean! I was impressed how the high temperatures scoured the cooked-on grease, but I forgot that I had left inside a
13was Sonic the Hedgehog, whose tryst with Edward Cullen sparked a flame war in the comments. VampStamp69 posited that Edward was not the "friggin queermo" my fanfic claimed. Others