FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10She had Encyclopedia Britannica. "Who reads these?" I wondered as pulled out letter the 'L.' A soft click, and I was standing in front of a short-wave transmitter. My date's a spy?
10er 180 characters. Neither nudity, the blood dripping from my eye, nor common sense would stop me, and I finished my fold in less than 4 minutes. Then I pushed my life alert button
13"I said no, no, no!" said 49erFaithful now that LucieLucie had opened his Pandora's Box of sas. "Get a room, you two," said PurpleProf, trying to grade papers at the FS AA meeting.
13Any questions? [Pause] Because if you have any questions, turn them into statements, and put them in the next fold. This will reveal something about your brain.
11"You remember that night, don't you, Officer?" Valetta purred like a caged tiger. "One you'll never forget." Officer O'Malley slammed his fists against his head. "I'm gonna