FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10leap into his Josh-isms, like "Love is just propinquity with sex thrown in. Let's throw in the sex." I'll haul my iPad and chips to the lady's room, to safety!, and fold in peace.
11a Komodo dragon made an appearance on the beach. Not a week later, a group of Dugong youth on their way to school went missing from that very same spot. JMan called on the wise Det
12jasmine honey, 2 qts. Guiness froth, 2 poached turtle eggs, 4 figs halved, 6 asparagus spears, 2 vanilla pods soaked in rum, 1 pt. melted chocolate & a 2nd libidinous woman tossed
11My latest project is to publish my 1000 Greatest Folds divided into categories w/ sub-categories. For example, under SAD will be the categories Aliens, Sex, Junk Food. Under HAPPY
13in desperate need of a vacation. My class felt his geography-related puns were all Belarus. "Are you Finnish? We're really not India sense of humor," Chad spoke up in frustration.