FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
19are proof of a higher power." She was flattened by the flattery and swooned. Flat Stanley roguishly lay her down on the bed but accidentally gave her the mother of all paper cuts.
12angry meme-loving elitist nerds and their generic FPS games. But alas, the war for truth is an uphill battle, and sympathy is a commodity long lost. "More like SPUD missiles!"
10"Well, I'm glad that's settled. Cup of tea?" Before she could respond, he thumped her over the head with his Bible. She came to in the Pentagram Chamber, hearing his wicked
10in the university's rare books room. I donned the bifocals,gray wig,beard & moth-eaten cardigan before entering. Librarians never suspected my disguise. Franklin's laboratory notes
12And the next guy and the next one after that. We can't move on in strength if we don't help each other carry the burden of this story. Remember, the city is no longer what it was.