FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13The priest faked an eye poke, slapped his cheeks and then pulled them apart and said "Nyuk nyuk nyuk." The Shaolin priest was a three stooges fan! He responded to the priest by
10But when the pain subsided, Turgo admired the mark made across his face. A scar in the shape of a running horse was on his cheek and the letter W appeared upon his forehead.
10"Dude, it was in the brochure I sent you. Remember?" "No dude, I definitely don't remember "drinking the blood of the innocent". You know that I am Innocence Intolerant!" This was
10, for example, that I thought a lot about the teachings of Confucious. I didn't even know that this was what lima beans think about until I started thinking like a lima bean. I als
13As I set up ant traps around the kitchen, Bob Dylan's "Blowin' in the Wind" was playing on the radio. It was then that I misheard the lyrics as "the ants are my friends..."