FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11deficiency meds!" Lets be honest, I liked the fact that he had no mas pantalones. We drove 4 hours, &wound up in Valpo. Damn I knew I should've taken that left turn at albuquerque.
12The only problem with writing Twilight fanfiction, and it's a big one, is that you have to read the Twilight books.
11The air of desperation was palpable. Within seconds I was surrounded by the undead denizens of the morgue and within minutes my datebook was filled with engagements until next May.
12yellow swimsuit and sandals. She was sunbathing one day, like a giant banana on the beach, wearing over-sized sunglasses. Several sea monkeys serving sandwiches stumbled into her.
10"All hail Queen Whirlpool!" raved the shaman "She consecrated to Chief!" In bedroom, Chief Wala excitedly entered the oven. Nada. He toyed with dials & fell asleep inside. He woke