FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Nut sculpture of the Battle of 1812. His only accomplishment in life, a blue ribbon at the 4H fair of 1972 was now in the fat paunch of that grey squirrel sagging into the sofa
13Flopp writes this to commend Firebolt391d for just being such a rad person and an all round amazing human. And that goes for the next folder too, after all, this is
12ography, who declared, "With all those mewling mammelings, by government order I must monitor your mammaries." I lifed my shirt as the Minister of Mammography counted my nipples.
1410 Nights in Istanbul. Night 1: slept on the street with a pack of friendly dogs near Galata Tower. Hotel had burned down...electric blanket fire...and i didn't know where to go.
10issing the $600 dollars I had placed in it. Without my money, I had no way of returning home. Not that money would have helped, considering I appeared to be in an entirely differen