FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12diva, plus he hadn't caught on to how many calories a large movie popcorn with extra butter really packs in. Rambo couldn't understand how he did 12,000 crunches a day but still ha
10That nobody dare to criticise/ The way the Raven flies/ And protects us from evil spirits/ Just as the silent majority won't hear it
10...set the fireplace to "burning," because the house should have a more rustic look 15) Make sure the moon is full, because god knows satan likes a full moon 16) say these words:
11"For the benefit of Mr. Kite, there will be a show tonight..." It made his blood boil. He grabbed the Beatles singing Parrot and put Sqwuakers's head in a vice. He slowly tightened
10eluded her. She just didn't have an ear for rhyming words. Whaaat?! You say poetry doesn't have to rhyme? Yeah, well tell that to Dr. Suess, the greatest poet that ever lived.