FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11. The baby was entirely sentient, and did not appreciate the humor. In fact, it never forgave it's namegiver, and plotted revenge. As an adult "Peter" named her children "
14my sallow skin, crooked teeth and shaggy eyebrows. Not to mention my acne, receding hairline and dandruff. I COULD NOT allow myself to be photographed. I leapt over the metal barri
11Give a hand to our researcher, Bob Simons, author of the Bestselling book: "Worlds Beyond Our Own FoldingStory" and "Why Our Lives are Weird and Disconnected, and other Answers"
11going to teach them a thing about goat, teen boy, and goat-boy etiquette. "And dammit, pick up that mess," I said. "The pottery is bad enough, but grandpa's ashes need to be
11But he didn't and night fall found him back at his corner again flaunting his candy for the sugar daddies. He caught an occasional bored Socialite but it was mostly their husbands.