FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10blatant weakness for hoes, but turned the experience into the selfhelp bestseller, 'Men Who Love Skanky @$$ Hoes Too Much'. Kerching!
11Well now that is something you don't see everyday!" My clone glared and said,"How about you take a picture, it will last longer!" The snakes then took a picture and left.
10so much more dramatic their first sip of espresso. His beret landed on the table of man in a business suit. Business suit flicked the beret onto the floor: a bold poem gone limp.
10I became the person I always dreamed I would be, almost. All the traffic lights were green. I was to work on time. I hadn't punched anyone in the face.
12in the lemon curd. They really were quite adorable. Suddenly, a horrid thought crossed my mind - what of all the other bubblegum Pop-Tarts senselessly slaughtered in the name of