FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10right, or am I right? Or am I wrong? Or am I left? Ha! Whew, I kill me. It was her impulse purchasing that did us in. I mean, she bought this knife set that cost me and arm & a leg
10like the floor was lava and his ass was about to catch fire. He returned with the first course promptly. According to the syllabus it was Dictatorship for Dummies 101. "Dig in."
10Steve activated the iChute app on his iPhone and did a graceful dive out of the plane. "I love technology!" he yelled, but then looked down at his phone...BUFFERING... No parachute
10. Despite the conflict of interest, Pink Floyd would proceed to review and give advice on Hemp Panties. The SEC started an investigation into potential insider trading by Pink Floy
13"Do you like the rhinos?" Jenny asked me. I offered her a Twizzler stick to chaw on, but she shook her head from side to side which meant she didn't care for some. "Stupid is as