FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11and once I secured that, the "what"s and "who"s would not mean a thing. Secluded and removed from my past and any strings attached, I'd exist in bliss -- incredulous, arrogant bli
11I live in fear at Starbucks. I am a Barrista of misery, for I suffer from alien hand syndrome.
10This subtle scientific principle was proven beyond a doubt when my wife walked out of the room carrying the remote with her, and my cat suddenly became a black hole.
10You're also going to need a portable privvy & some environmentally-friendly toilet paper. NEVER, EVER leave any human waste at your campsite, or you run the risk of attracting
10At least that was the plan. But when I entered the lady's room something was wrong. I didn't enter a bathroom, I had crossed some time door which sent me all the way back to